g u e s t 17 i s s u e: A Chapbook by UMIH Research Affiliate, Dr. Melanie Unrau
Image by UMIH assistant Ekene Emeka Maduka
On Thursday, June 3rd 2021 the g u e s t 17, edited by UMIH Research Affiliate Dr. Melanie Dennis Unrau on the theme of petropoetics, was published. The poets featured in this issue are oil workers, relatives of oil workers, residents of the oil patch or the petrostate, activists, environmentalists, cultural workers, researchers, concerned citizens, and artists. They write lyric, documentary, concrete, ghazal, language, and tweet-poems that participate in and respond to petropoetics with mourning, irony, playfulness, criticism, fascination, dismay, refusal, and love.
The launch event of this special issue included readings by contributors: Yvonne Blomer, Kiran Malik-Khan, Peter Christensen, K.B. Thors, Rina Garcia Chua, David Martin, Ross Belot, Lindsay Bird, Kelly Shepherd & Lisa Mulrooney
For more information on this project and Melanie’s work visit her website.