Create: Words and Art from WCC. Create Vol.1 by Prison Libraries Committee (PLC) and The UMIH
Create Vol.1 coverwork
The Prison Libraries Committee (PLC) of the Manitoba Library Association (MLA) is a volunteer group that provides collections, programming and library awareness for incarcerated and reintegrating men and women in the justice system. Formed in 2012, the PLC’s volunteers provide service to The Winnipeg Remand Centre (WRC) in Winnipeg, The Women’s Correctional Centre (WCC) in Headingley Manitoba, The Headingley Correctional Centre (HCC) for Men, The Manitoba Youth Centre (MYC) in Winnipeg and Agassiz Youth Centre (AYC) in Portage la Prairie, and The Pas Correctional Centre in The Pas, Manitoba. Programs have also been provided in other sites as part of reintegration and partnered initiatives. The UMIH collaborated with PLC to fund this issue of Create, an inmate chapbook. Click the link above to view or download the chapbook.